Plastic Postcard Direct Mailers Deliver a Superior ROI Over Standard EDDM
CHALLENGE: A franchise group of a major national pizza chain that encompassed just shy of 1,000 locations wanted to see how Triadex’s postcard direct mail marketing services would perform compared to the traditional USPS’s Every Door Direct Mail (EDDM) qualified paper direct mailer.
- An A/B test direct mail campaign was completed with the following criteria:
- The artwork and offers were identical in both formats.
- The zip codes and residents targeted were identical in both formats. Triadex’s Plastic Mailer pieces were delivered three months prior to the EDDM pieces.
- Triadex’s plastic postcard direct mailers produced DOUBLE the redemption rates than the all-paper EDDM pieces produced.
- Even though Triadex’s Plastic Die-cut format cost around 25% more than the EDDM paper option, on average, the plastic postcard direct mailers still achieved a much higher ROI.
- Not only has this franchise group executed another plastic postcard campaign recently, but many additional Franchise and Corporate locations have shifted their EDDM budgets to use Triadex’s postcard direct mail marketing services for 2018.