Digital Marketing & Plastic Postcards for Automotive Sales and Services

We Help Auto Dealerships and Service Centers Alike

Triadex Services Awarded Best New Product for Business Tools & Services


In every city there are dozens of automotive sales and services competing for the same clientele. Triadex Services can help you stand out from the crowd with our automotive sales and services digital marketing and our unique plastic postcards.

Automotive services will always be in demand – cars will need oil changes, tires will need to be replaced, and eventually, consumers desire something new.  Your business needs to be the one that locals visit.

Triadex has helped automotive dealerships and service centers just like yours win new customers. Together, we’ve achieved double-digit redemption rates and revenue growth with our incentive automotive marketing program.

Ways That Triadex Services Does Automotive Marketing Right!

Compiling the Best Mailing List

In a direct mail marketing campaign, one very important question you need to answer is: “Who will receive my offer?” Building a customer base for your tire and service store is easy with our mailing list service.

At Triadex, we have spent millions of dollars on proprietary lists. This lets us target prospects that are more likely to respond to your offer.

We can target precise customers in your market.  Triadex can target specific automobile owners (down to what vehicle they drive) or use demographics like age and household income to increase the odds they will visit your store.

Click Here for More Information About our Mailing List Services.

Consequently, Triadex ensures the audience is ripe for your offer and able to act on it.

Graphic Design – Attractive Plastic Postcards & Custom Shape Mailers

After finding the best customers, we can design eye-catching plastic postcards for your store that have outstanding offers to draw in new or existing customers.  Our plastic card mailers have detachable key-chain tags or credit card size pop-outs that are durable and have a long shelf life.

Pop-out cards are durable enough to withstand punch-outs, for example – get 3 oil changes, get the 4th free.

Our automotive direct mail advertising often results in conversion rates 4 – 10 times the industry average!

Digital Marketing for Your Dealership or Service Center

Another way to continue getting customers to come back is our digital marketing program.  Using our Look Back Program, we can look back and find out who has visited your store’s location in the last 12 months by using smartphone device data.  This information can be utilized to create digital impressions via display ads.  The result is previous customers will be continually engaged and increase sales.

Automotive Sales and Services

Triadex Moves Quickly

Get your special offer into the hands of prospective members before your competition, therefore, increasing traffic to your gym faster. With Triadex, your special offer can be “fast-tracked” to get to your prospect more quickly. Then, your special offer can be in-home in a matter of days, not weeks!

Even one or two days ahead of your competitors can be the difference between a lost client or a member for life.

According to First Data Research, three out of four consumers are interested in buying or testing a product based on receiving an incentive plastic postcard in the mail.

Contact Triadex Services today to begin your automotive industry digital marketing campaign with direct mail advertising!