New Movers Mailing List

New Movers Mailing Lists in a Direct Mail Advertising Campaign can be Extremely Beneficial to all Industries

New movers want to establish relationships quickly with the businesses that surround them. From finding their favorite take-out and delivery menus, to choosing a new doctor, dentist, or even furniture store, newcomers are working to get settled in ASAP. New movers direct mail services utilizing a new movers mailing list are a great way to get your brand recognized and to capture those who have just come to the area.

According to a study by new arrivals to an area end up spending additional money on items not usually associated with a move.

These purchases are on a wide range of products and necessities which your business can be a part of. The new expenditures can include:

  • Restaurant visits and carry-out or delivery orders
  • Auto purchases
  • Furniture and Home Décor
  • Home improvement services
  • New Medical or Dental providers

Don’t get left behind! Find your promotional niche and take advantage too!

People who purchase homes spend an average of $9,400 when moving in.
Renters spend an average of $4,700.

new mover mailing lists

Targeting New Movers in your mailing campaigns is a great way to capture and maintain new customers.

New movers have no business loyalties in the area yet. Consequently, they are 5 times more loyal than the average local customer.

But, you have to make sure you reach out to them before the competition does.

According to the Census Bureau, approximately 40 million Americans will move each year. This is a huge deal when considering how many new movers can potentially be in your area at any given time as well as how many people have left the area. Consider that businesses need to replace around 20% of their customer base in any given year.

As these new movers come to your area, take advantage of the opportunity, and quickly gain their loyalty.

new mover mailing lists

new mover mailing lists

Beat the competition right out of the gate.  The result? The best success with a new movers campaign. You can lose a potential customer if your competition reaches out to them first.

Triadex Services will help you set up a regular new movers campaign schedule that will mail out to the most up to date new movers mailing lists available.

New Mover customers can be a key aspect to the growth of your business.

Options for Your New Mover Direct Mail Advertising Campaign

new mover mailing lists

Our Monthly Mid-sized Plastic Postcard program, featuring the  28mil laminate, runs every month. When compiling your new movers list, you can go back anywhere from 30 days to reach only the most recent arrivals, or go back 6 months to increase your potential targets.

You may hop on at anytime with no minimum requirements. Contact Triadex for information about design and deadlines for order submissions.

Want to consider using a different direct mail product?  Call and speak with one of our Sales Team members today to see what other options are available (minimum quantities may apply).

Some of our clients who have tracked their campaign’s redemptions have seen double-digit response rates.

Interested in our other types of mailing lists? Click here for more information.

Contact Triadex Services today to begin your new movers direct mail advertising campaign!